About Me

Last Update: September 3, 2022, 16:25 (New!)

I'm June S. Sai, if the name of the site didn't make this clear already

I also go by the names "RootPain" and "Big Whiskey"

I'm an artist, editor, web designer, and perfectly average at everything besides videogames

I also raise a lot of chickens, there's that too.

I made this site for fun and for my love for the internet circa 2005-2013, and also to spite

on modern web due to how putrid and boring everything looks

I'm a big fan of good things, but I'm a super fan of things like Sonic, Doom, Quake, Serious Sam

Heavy Metal, Worms, GoldSrc and Source Engine games, Dragon Ball (and Dragon Ball Z)

and tons of other things that would take me ages to list it all.

If you need a way to contact me, just send me an email at NeoJuneSSai@420blaze.it

Special thanks to Octo, Daemon and Stork for helping me with the HTML and CSS!

And another special thanks to BeatumPopcorn for the background aswell!

Other platforms where you can find me in