Posted on June 29, 2022
Last updated on June 29, 2022
Ok, yeah, now it's over
That was the last fanart, yup, that's it.
To be fair, this isn't exactly made for me, but not only Whiskey is in there, but I simply
could not include this in here, and that's mostly because of how Ramen drew Caira and Whiskey
hugged together in the back, and I find this adorable
In general, I just love big fanarts/collaborative pieces where someone or multiple people
just draw their friends together as a form of gratitude or just as something cool that they
wanted to do at that time, it's something I personally find really cool
I know people like some clout chasers and John Bob kinda ruined this whole idea...
but I don't care, I still find it incredibly charming, and I legit would love to see
more stuff like this once again
And that was it
It was nice updating the site and seeing you all again
Don't worry, I'll be back soon
I never really leave anyways.
Sleep well, sweet dreams.